We had a busy but fun Easter weekend. On Saturday Griffin and I went to an Easter egg hunt with some people from our church. Then we dyed eggs Saturday night and I am happy to say that Gage still wanted to participate. He's growing up so fast and doesn't like to do all of the "little kid" things we use to do together, but he's usually a good sport and will pretend like he's having fun anyway. Gage also broke the news to me that he no longer believes in the Easter bunny, I figured he didn't but it was so devistating to hear him say it, lol. At least I get to enjoy Griffin being little for a little while. I don't know what I'm going to do when he doesn't beleieve in the Easter bunny. After church Sunday we went to Gene's mom's house for dinner and the kids hid eggs then we came home and hid eggs--again. Now I'm gonna just relax and enjoy spring break with my boys.