Gene and I celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary this weekend. Friday, he gave me flowers then on Saturday he took me out to eat at one of my favorite restaraunts, Solstice - we had a private table and a bottle of our favorite wine, it was very sweet!
For Father's Day, I had no idea what to get Gene, so I took the boys shopping with me Friday to help pick something out and they decided Daddy needed a TV for the bedroom, so that's what he got along with a home-made card from the boys (Gene thinks those are the best ones). Since Griffin's not a very good secret-keeper we gave Gene his gift Friday night. Needless to say he was very excited and loved it. He's a great dad to our boys. They would rather play with their daddy than do anything else in the world and even though I know he doesn't always feel like running outside or upstairs when they call for him, he rises to the occasion. He would do anything to make us happy and we love him very much!!!