My family came to visit us from Tennessee for the 4th of July. We ate and shot fireworks. On the 5th we left to go to the beach for the week. We stayed in a house in Garden City. We had a good time and saw a lot of people we know there. It was nice to spend some time with my sister and her new baby, which I haven't seen since she was born in February. My brother announced that he is engaged to his long time girlfriend, Maggie. I am so excited for them, I love her! They are getting married next year on June 13, which is the day before Gene and I got married. I must say that although we had fun, I am glad to be back home and get my kids back to normal! We'll be packing again to leave for our cruise in 2 weeks. Friday night I took Gage & Griffin out to eat and to a movie so Gene could have his friends over to play cards and Gene played in a softball tournament for our church today so we're pretty exhausted. I think we're gonna try and get some rest if we don't go with our friends to Jammin in July.