Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas with the Family

We had our annual Christmas gathering with Gene's family. Dean and Rachel graciously host this party every year. It's so nice to have all of the family together- the kids all get to play together and they really enjoy it. As usual, we had a mound of gifts to exchange, wonderful food to eat, and a good time being together. Afterwards we came home and unpacked all of the gifts and put a few toys together so the boys could play a little before bed time. We have our last Christmas party in the morning with our Sunday school class -I think I'm finally ready for Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Play

Griffin's class had a Christmas play Tuesday night. They did a manger scene and he was a wiseman. They sang Christmas songs and it was precious. He has been nervous about performing in front of a lot of people but he did a wonderful job. He has been practicing all of his songs lately and it is so funny to hear him walking around the house singing Christmas songs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Holidays

We have been putting out Christmas decorations for over a week now and we're almost done! Now, I just have to finish all of my shopping - if there's a such thing as finishing. Everytime I think I'm done buying for Gene and the boys, I find one more thing to get for them. Gage and Griffin are excited about Santa coming, I'm pretty sure Gage has it figured out but I'm not confessing until next year. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!